About Center

The educational-scientific-production center was created through the reorganization of the scientific research laboratory for management in the field of civil protection and consists of the scientific department for management problems in the field of civil protection and the scientific department for problems of state security, as well as the department of public administration in the field of civil protection and the department management

The educational-scientific-production center is a separate educational and research unit of the University. The main task of the Center is the training of specialists according to accredited educational programs of levels 1-3 and conducting scientific research and research and practical work in the field of improving public management of civil protection, national security of Ukraine, development of tourism.

The educational-scientific-production center in its activities is governed by the current legislation of Ukraine, orders and orders of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, normative acts on the scientific activity of educational institutions of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the Statute of the University, orders of the rector of the University, as well as the Regulations on the Educational-Scientific-Production Center.

The educational-scientific-production center carries out its activities in cooperation with faculties, departments and other structural divisions of the University.

In carrying out its activities, the Center, on behalf of the University, establishes cooperation with territorial administrations and divisions of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, higher education institutions and research institutions, organizations in the field of tourism. 3 in order to improve the effectiveness of scientific research, the Center makes proposals to the University management regarding the creation of temporary creative collectives, which may include employees of bodies and institutions (regardless of the forms of ownership) and individuals, with remuneration according to the terms of the employment contract and co-operation.

In 2014, a postgraduate program was launched at the National Scientific Research Center, a Specialized Academic Council was opened from the beginning for the protection of candidates of sciences, and in 2015, on the basis of the Educational, Scientific and Production Center, a doctoral program was opened in the specialties 25.00.02 - public administration mechanisms and 25.00.05 - state administration in the sphere of state security and protection of public order. This made it possible to transform the Specialized Academic Council in 2016 and add the protection of doctors of science.

Since June 30, 2015, the collection of scientific works "Bulletin of National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine. State Management series" has been recognized by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine as a specialist in public administration, and since 2018, the first of the management scientific collections has been included in group B of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine.

In 2016, after signing the Cooperation Agreement with the Pomeranian Academy (Slupsk, Poland), the Center is actively involved in international relations, and signs international agreements with the Baltic International University (Riga, Latvia), the University of International Relations and Social Communications (Chelm, Poland), Georgian Technical University (Tbilisi, Georgia) New Bulgarian University (Sofia, Bulgaria),Mykola Romerio University (Vilnius, Lithuania), Gdansk University (Gdansk, Poland), Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Baku, Azerbaijan), and others.

Thanks to fruitful international cooperation, the first international electronic scientific collection was launched in 2017 "Eastern Journal of Security Studies» together with the Pomeranian Academy, and in 2021 it was founded togetherUniversity of International Relations and Social Communications (Chelm, Poland)publication of the collection of scientific works "Public administration and state security aspects", which was included in group B of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and is a professional publication.

Educational and pedagogical workers of the Center have repeatedly participated in international grant projects, completed internships and organized international internships for students and masters.

Interaction and creative cooperation with scientific research institutions and institutions of higher education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, with scientific institutions and enterprises of other central bodies of executive power by conducting scientific events, internships, publishing scientific products and coordinating the topics of scientific research works related to with the problems of public management and administration, national security and the field of tourism allowed the development of the Center. Currently, the scientific workers of the NNVC are leaders in Ukraine in the training of doctors of philosophy in the field of public management and administration and doctors of philosophy, and masters in public management and administration, who have been repeatedly awarded various state and scientific awards, namely: Prize winners of the "Scientific Elite of Ukraine" competition, awarded with Certificates of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,

The scientific school "Theoretical foundations of innovative mechanisms for the training of managerial personnel in the socio-economic sphere of Ukraine" operates in the educational-scientific-production center, which was founded by its head, Doctor of Public Administration, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine Svitlana Mykolaivna Dombrovskaya. The achievement of its scientific school is the defense of 48 candidates of science, 21 doctors of science - 8 PhD.