Editorial and Publishing


Bulletin of NUCPU. State Management series

 A collection of scientific works "The Bulletin of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine (Series: State Management)" is published on the basis of the Training Research and Production Center. It is included in the List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine.
The publication series was founded in 2014 (certificate of registration number КВ №21020-10820p on 10/15/2014). The results of researches in the field of public administration. The problems of the system of state regulation of economic and social processes, as well as emergency response. Represented in the collection of scientific works reflect modern approaches to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation of the system and trends of researches in this area.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 07.13.2015 № 747 "On approval decisions Certifying Board of the Ministry on academic councils on 30 June 2015" (Annex 17 to the Order) Proceedings of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine (Series: State management) are included in the list of professional publications on public administration. The publication is a collection of scientific works devoted to the study of problems of the development of the system of state regulation of economic and social processes, as well as response to emergencies.

Since 2016 the Bulletin has been included to the international bibliographic database RePEc (USA) and the international science-computer database Index Copernicus (Poland).

The subject-matter of the Bulletin and the requirements for the articles can be found on the website of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine in the section "Science".




















Collections of scientific works