International cooperation with other institutions and organizations


Staff of Training Research and Production Center took part in the national days of Erasmus +



On Novembe,r 19 at the Kyiv National Trade and Economic University (Kyiv) was held all-Ukrainian Information Day ERASMUS +, which was conducted in cooperation with the EU Delegation in Ukraine, with the participation of the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (Brussels) and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.



At the Information Day ERASMUS + took part representatives from the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine - members of the scientific department of management problems in civil protection of  Training Research and Production Center, Senior researcher, PhD Victoria Shvedun and researcher, PhD in Public Administration Victoria Gluha. The event was useful to identify areas for further work within ERAZMUS + Applications in higher education, particularly in "Jean Monnet", the modular program which are using workers of Center.



In addition, as part of an information day was presented structure of ERASMUS + programm in the higher education area; rules for the participation for Ukrainian universities in competitions trends: "Academic mobility", "Capacity building of higher education" (former Tempus), "Jean Monnet"; Recommendations for the preparation of applications and more. Presentations were made by representatives of NEO in Ukraine and EASEA (Brussels).